Here is the late 1942 refit of the Lexington. Her arnament of 76mm guns are increased from 4 to 12. She now has 37 Oerlikon 20mm autocannons, replacing the Me Deuce. The aft cage mast has been cut down to funnel level and has recieved an AA gun platform. The superstructure has been altered to incorporate more advanced electronics, mainly comm gear and to improve AA gun arcs. She has the SC and SRa radars on the forward cage mast. A new addition is the SG radar mounted forward of the bridge. The open space between the conning tower and the bridge structure has been closed. A few boats are taken off, and replaced with life rafts on the turrets and the forward superstructure. The ship has been painted in Measure 21, which is navy blue 5-N, and will have that measure until mid 1944. Starting early-mid 43, the 76mm guns will be replaced with Bofors 40mm guns.
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