Minor change of plans, i have decided to publish the Nakajima Ki-27 without the paintjobs for the Manshu Ki-79 (which are in the pipeline) because of job reasons. I'll be busy.
The Nakajima Ki-27 was the backbone of the IJA Air Force until 1940. Nicknamed "Nate" by the allies, and also "Abdul" in the CBI theater.
It took part in every theater of war were the Japanese were present and took part also in the Chinese civil war although it was only present through its trainer version the Manshu Ki-79 (which i'll draw paintjobs later for it, as i said at the beginning of this post)
It had various versions:
- -Ki-27a: First production version. Approximately 565 aircraft built.
-Ki-27a-Kai: Trainer version converted from existing production. Approximately 150 aircraft converted.
-Ki-27b (Army Type 97b Fighter): Improved canopy, oil cooler and provision for 4 × 25 kg (55 lb) bombs or fuel tanks under the wings. A total of 1,492 built, including 50 by Tachikawa Aircraft Company Ltd.
-Ki-27b-Kai: Trainer version converted from existing production. Approximately 225 aircraft converted.
Many thanks to Eswube for his extensive help on these drawings.
Nakajima Ki-27: Japan, Manchukuo, Siam (Thailand), Nationalist China, Reformed Government of the Republic of China, USSR (Soviet Union)
EDIT: Sorry, i had to say it: TORA! TORA! TORA! BANZAIIIII!