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Post subject: Re: Alaska class cruisers reworkPosted: May 9th, 2013, 2:43 am
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Thanks guys.

I am not sure re: wikipedia page. On one hand there is no attribution for Shipbucket provided and the Fair Use Agreement is not visible... so probably not.

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Post subject: Re: Alaska class cruisers reworkPosted: May 19th, 2013, 5:25 pm
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The level of detail in these drawings is insane. How many hours work do you think you have invested in these reworks?

Well done, sir!

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Post subject: Re: Alaska class cruisers reworkPosted: May 19th, 2013, 10:10 pm
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Hundreds, easily... the work hasn't so much come from this specific ship but from redrawing all the associated parts. There's not a single bit of equipment on this ship that wasn't reworked or at least revisited... :(

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Post subject: Re: Alaska class cruisers reworkPosted: June 26th, 2013, 8:38 pm
Posts: 254
Joined: July 26th, 2011, 6:48 pm
Say, Colosseum, any plans regarding any further work with the Alaska-class? Say perhaps a 1980s refit/major modernization like with the Iowa-class?

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Post subject: Re: Alaska class cruisers reworkPosted: June 27th, 2013, 1:59 pm
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Hmm, I am not sure - this effort kind of wore me out of drawing ships for a little while. ;) I had started on the USS North Carolina but just lost steam. I had planned on some sort of Iowa style refit but I don't know when I will get to it.

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Post subject: Re: Alaska class cruisers reworkPosted: June 27th, 2013, 2:28 pm
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This is fantastic Colo. Great work!

Salide - Denton - The Interrealms

I am not very active on the forums anymore, but work is still being done on my AUs. Visit the Salidan Altiverse Page on the SB Wiki for more information. All current work is being done on Google Docs.
If anyone wishes for their nations to interact with the countries of the Salidan Altiverse, please send me a PM, after which we can further discuss through email.

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Post subject: Re: Alaska class cruisers reworkPosted: June 27th, 2013, 4:37 pm
Posts: 254
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Colosseum wrote:
Hmm, I am not sure - this effort kind of wore me out of drawing ships for a little while. ;) I had started on the USS North Carolina but just lost steam. I had planned on some sort of Iowa style refit but I don't know when I will get to it.
While I hope it's soon, I understand that you need to recharge. Take your time!

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Post subject: Re: future Alaska class cruisers reworkPosted: November 25th, 2013, 4:29 am
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Colosseum wrote:
Hmm, I am not sure - this effort kind of wore me out of drawing ships for a little while. ;) I had started on the USS North Carolina but just lost steam. I had planned on some sort of Iowa style refit but I don't know when I will get to it.
When you "return" with enthusiasm, you might want to consider these as part of a Alaska class modernization and conversion:

* * Alaska class re-armed with 3"/50 twin, ala USS Juneau during the Korean War. This would have included a HOS helicopter,
vice floatplanes.

* * Limited Missile Conversion: Aft 12" turret removed, pair of TERRIER SAM twin-arm launcher added aft, with SPG directors,
ala Canberra/Boston CAGs....late-50s event.

* * Full "Double-Ended" conversion: Forward 12" turret removed, including forward 5"/38 twin and some bridge rebuild, aft with
removal of both 12" and 5" mounts.
New weapons: FWD:: two TERRIER SAM twin-arm launchers, AFT: twin-arm TALOS SAM - both with appropriate SPG missile control directors.
Option might be either retaining the amidship's twin 5"/38 armored gun turrets or replacing them with Tartar SAM (ala USS Albany)
This conversion would be along lines of the "Albany" Class conversion.

* * Limited SAM Conversion / VLS. Were these cruiser kept in reserve into the Eighties and then pulled-out for reactivation under Reagan - Lehman "600-ship" navy, there might have been a limited SAM missile conversion: Aft 12" and 5" mounts removed and replaced with a pair
of 32-cell VLS launchers.

With this "late" modernization and VLS launchers (for Standard & Harpoon), the ships probably would not have received the big BGM-109 Tomahawk launchers that went to the previously reactivated Iowa class.

What amazing options this would have offered.

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Post subject: Re: Alaska class cruisers reworkPosted: November 25th, 2013, 7:35 am
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Thank you for the suggestions but I am not really interested in converting this ship into any early Cold War configurations. You are of course free to do it yourself if you have the inclination.

I have drawn an Alaska upgraded along Iowa's austere 1980s refit lines here: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=4708

I am also not very interested in removing any of the guns. The beauty of these ships is in their gun armament and I wouldn't want to spoil it with SAMs.

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Post subject: Re: Alaska class cruisers reworkPosted: May 17th, 2014, 6:52 am
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Revised some areas tonight:

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