Boat handling has been shuffled around a bit since I realised the boom I had wasn't long enough to reach over the side.
Boat compliment consists of two 23ft Motor Gigs, a 26ft Motor Longboat and three 26ft Longboats.
I'm still not sure what to do with the torpedoes. The two submerged tubes are only there to test the waters so to speak.
I'm considering mounting a rotating set of tubes on each beam (singles or twins) like it was done on the real life Valkyrien class
One detail I'd like some help with is the coaling scuttles, or rather where I should place them. I'm an oil man thru-n-thru and I find non-liquid fuels to be strange in the extreme.
“Close” only counts with horseshoes, hand grenades, and tactical nuclear weapons.
That which does not kill me has made a grave tactical error
Source Materiel is always welcome.