Well we don't know what it looks like. The article makes claims but to be blunt, from a naval engineering standpoint, they sound very stupid.
In the end I would wager to believe that this will for the most part be a modern and very typical 40-60,000 ton (medium-sized) cruise ship with letters that spell "TITANIC" on the bow/stern.
and 4 funnels, an matching paintjob and more of that stuff.
nothing wrong with that, because an real titanic replica may never leave it's yart, as it no longer fit's to todays regulations and rules.
an ship that size needs an double bottom, most likely double skin, the propulsion systems will be lighter, the fuel needs to be stored differently, the entry and cargo holds no longer fit todays specs.... and apart from that, she will be welded, the equipment needs to be modern and I wish them good luck finding passengers for 3rd class. building an replica that will sail as cruise liner or ocean liner, will be illegal as well. so in other words, what this man seems to envision, an modern titanic replica, simply impossible.