Hmmm no love for the F-14. If it had been allowed to evolve into a new production Tomcat 21 with full multi-role crews would still be wearing the "Anytime Baby" patch.
The Tomcat 21/Super Tomcat would've been, depending on the iteration and who you ask, the equivalent towards the Super Hornet in terms of how extensive a redesign it would've been. It would've been a very effective warplane - but they didn't build it.
Sorry but I'm not sure I follow? Route planning has always been of paramount importance for recce pilots, so naturally you'd avoid enemy AD threats if possible. Rafale and Gripens flew recce sorties over Libya and that wasn't exactly Soviet PVO resistance waiting for them. F-14s did it over Kuwait/Iraq, Afghanistan and Serbia and with the digital TARPS upgrade it could provide real-time intel.
I'm trying to illustrate that just because a plane is all awesome and tacticool and effective in a role it was not originally designed for in a low-risk environment doesn't mean it should be kept around forever.