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Post subject: Re: 3d ship drawingsPosted: May 26th, 2012, 1:44 pm
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Continuing to add details. I wanted the ship to have an electro-magnetic coil gun. I might have over reached and made it look to sci-fi. I was going for near future look.

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Post subject: Re: 3d ship drawingsPosted: May 26th, 2012, 1:58 pm
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All those "plates" you have on the forward of the superstructure is not so god when we speak about stealth, the same with the gun.

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Post subject: Re: 3d ship drawingsPosted: June 3rd, 2012, 7:17 am
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The plates didnt look as visually appealing as I'd hoped. This is where I am currently :

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Still need to add the boat deck and alot more details, like intakes and exhausts.

I didnt understand what you meant by the plates not being "stealth", what if they were some kind of PCMS. And I've never heard of a stealth gun. If you have some links to references, could you please share them?

Thanks in advance.

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Post subject: Re: 3d ship drawingsPosted: June 3rd, 2012, 9:09 am
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It's an impressive piece of work, but there's a couple of things I don't get.
The forward mast looks like it's been stolen from a civilian speed boat and from what I can see it's blocking the forward view of the radars and it's heavier than a more traditional mast.
Contrary to what you say, you do not have a tumblehome hull.
The bow confuses me. It's obviously not a conventional flared bow, yet it's too vertical to do much wave piercing and the underwater arrangement means that it isn't an X-bow or an Axe bow.
Oh and the red warning circle around the gun isn't big enough. The barrel can still hit you even if you're standing outside it.

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Post subject: Re: 3d ship drawingsPosted: June 3rd, 2012, 9:35 am
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with stealth I mean that it does not have the correct forms.

stealth is that the signals emitted from enemy radar will not be sent back to it but rather reflected to a different place so that a hostile ship can not see you on the radar's.

so all those forms on the cannon barrel is a big no no because some of them can reflect back enough signal to the enemy ship that they can see you on radar.

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Post subject: Re: 3d ship drawingsPosted: June 3rd, 2012, 11:16 am
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This kind of honest feedback is why I love shipbucket. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to leave comments to help me improve my work. I'll explain some of the design choices and hopefully it will clear up some of the thoughts that went into the design.

The foward mast/sail thing was inspired by some pictures of mega yachts I'd seen. I showed the same design to my navigator who is a coastguardsman and he gave me no small amout of shit for it. Rules of the road and that kind of stuff. Theres no place to put running lights, or hang flags and penants etc. Also its a pretty big structure for just a furono and a garmin and going aloft to work on those would be a nightmare as is. So Im going to change that to a more traditional mast structure.

Working in 3D isnt as forgiving as working with pixels in 2 dimensions. With 2D images your mind is doing all the heavy lifting filling in 99% of the details. For the tumbleholm hull form I found a pretty good PDF with an illustration of the hulls characteristics. That was the only reference I used so I had to fill in the blanks and take some artisitic license with it. The angle is kinda bad so you can realy see the foward slope. I'll add some diffrent views later.

And as for the gun, again artistic license since one isnt in production. Is it a little over the top? Sure. Is it possible that the super conducting electromagnetic coils used to accelerate the round out of the barrel could also cause distortions to RADAR signals essentially "muffling" the return? I'm not a physisict but sure, why not?

Again thanks for the honest feed back!

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Post subject: Re: 3d ship drawingsPosted: June 9th, 2012, 7:48 pm
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Went back to the drawing board a bit. Worked on the tumbleholm with bulbous bow a little more.

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Post subject: Re: 3d ship drawingsPosted: June 9th, 2012, 7:50 pm
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Tumbleholm hull means the hull is leaning inwards in steed of outwards!

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Post subject: Re: 3d ship drawingsPosted: June 9th, 2012, 10:22 pm
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Regular hulls are wider at the main deck than at the waterline, tumbleholme is wider at the waterline than at the main deck.

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Post subject: Re: 3d ship drawingsPosted: June 9th, 2012, 11:48 pm
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Lebroba wrote:
Regular hulls are wider at the main deck than at the waterline, tumbleholme is wider at the waterline than at the main deck.
just as I said! ;)

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