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Demon Lord Razgriz
Post subject: Re: U.S & Economic CollapsePosted: June 30th, 2011, 1:23 am
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No, disbanding the Unions needs to be done. Everything they once stood for is now federal law, all they do now is demand far more than needed.

As for global warming, I do believe man has contributed to it, but it's not really something we can do about what's already been done. What's I'm more concerned with is air quality & health of the atmosphere. I've gone up to the mountains away from big cities and my breathing is much easier & I didn't nearly have as many headaches as I do here at home. Clean air does the body good. And if we stop & reverse the break down of the Ozone layer, less sunburn & cancer on the beaches, thus more people would go and you'll have a economical benefit as well.

Taxes: Flat 15% for everyone

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Post subject: Re: U.S & Economic CollapsePosted: June 30th, 2011, 1:46 am
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Demon Lord Razgriz wrote:
No, disbanding the Unions needs to be done. Everything they once stood for is now federal law, all they do now is demand far more than needed.
I'm conservative, but that's bunk. There are unions (mostly skilled trade unions) that do very good things for their members (and the public at large), and by insulting all unions at once you don't come across as all that thoughtful.

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Demon Lord Razgriz
Post subject: Re: U.S & Economic CollapsePosted: June 30th, 2011, 2:35 am
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They may be doing good things, but at what costs?

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Post subject: Re: U.S & Economic CollapsePosted: June 30th, 2011, 4:51 am
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Demon Lord Razgriz wrote:
They may be doing good things, but at what costs?
Very little costs (for the unions I was talking about). The problem with blanket statements in politics is that they head first into reality rather quickly. For taxes, they need to go up/be optimized to the peak of the Laffer curve. This means that the guy who makes a million bucks a year is going to have to pay 500k (or more!) in taxes.

There are a lot of things that need to be done, and one of them is raising revenue (we're on the wrong side of the Laffer curve for tax cuts to raise revenue).

πŒπ€π“π‡ππ„π“- 𝑻𝒐 π‘ͺπ’π’ˆπ’Šπ’•π’‚π’•π’† 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑺𝒐𝒍𝒗𝒆

Post subject: Re: U.S & Economic CollapsePosted: June 30th, 2011, 5:58 am
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Dreadnaught wrote:
Here's a start. Disband the Dept of Energy and Education. Neither one were needed in the first place and have only made matters worse in their areas. Disband the IRS and install a flat tax. 15% max. If you only made 50 bucks last year you pay 7.50 in taxes, if you made 500,000 you pay 75,000 in taxes. So there all you liberal commie hippies there's your rich paying their fair share and the poor aren't getting screwed. CIA handles outside intell (includes spy sats) FBI handles inside federal law (includes drugs, guns, booze) INS/Customs handles border and immigration and disband the rest. Disband the Fed. Disband all unions.

Put term limits on every electable govt post from Congress down to local dog catcher. Lobbyist lose influence. Make white collar crime a major felony and send them to big boy prison and face hourly ass raping.

Put time limits on unemployment and welfare payments. They will be forced to look for work even if it means cleaning toliets or digging ditches. (I've done it and I'm college educated) Round up all illegals and deport them. Lock down the US Mexican border and you don't need a multi-billion dollar "smart wall". Three lines of razor wire with an anti-tank ditch and minefield in between and deploy ground sensors to detect tunnelling.

As for defense spending no more $800 hammers. Instead of trying to develop sci-fi wonder weapons that get canceled or take 15 to 20 years to deploy (The F-22 was started when Reagan was president) continue production of current weapons with tech upgrades. If South Korea's Slam Eagles and Israel's F-16 Sufas are good enough for them then the US Air Force Should have thousands of both (3 Slam Eagles or 5 Sufas for the price of one F-22)

@Carnac- "The Red Scare is over" I did say that the Soviet Union collasped did you miss that? But not over. You got commies itching to burn Athens to the ground. Commies trying to get the UN to force developed nations to give away billions to third world nations in the name of the farce called "global warming". Commies lying to the world that Israel is rounding up arab babies and doing a double tap to their heads in front of their mothers and commies in the White trying to bullshit me in saying the economy is getting better when I see food prices rising, college students thousands of dollars in tutition debt and no jobs for them and see stripmalls going from half empty to 3/4 empty and construction of others stopped.
Your way of thinking is short-sighted and narrow-minded.

Has nothing to do with liberalism or hippies. You've been watching Faux news too much. If it was a liberal or conservative problem, it'd have been solved with Clinton, Bush or Obama. Meh, the system will eventually come crashing down. The rich WILL lose their money one way or another. Sadly, they'll probably bring the rest of America down with them when the dam breaks. That's all social inequality will do for you, me and every other American in the end.

7.50 is going to hurt someone who only made 50 dollars a lot more than 75,000 to someone who made 500,000.

[ img ]

The top 1% of America owns 43% of the wealth in America. The next 4% own 29%. In other words, the top 5% of Americans (in terms of fiscal wealth) own 72% of all the wealth in America (The net worth graph represents not just money, but bonds, stocks, property and various types of interest/tax annuities). So yeah, rasing taxes on the rich is exactly what needs to be done. Tim hit the nail on the head with his post before this one. Tax cuts are useless currently. Taxes on the wealthy & big business are far too low. We should tax the rich, because they're the ones who HAVE all the money. The bottom 80% of America only had 7% of the wealth, afterall.

The thing is, is that they use their wealth and power to lobby politicians, and to keep taxes low, and to keep loopholes open. And they fund Ad campaigns intended to misinform unsuspecting people like you. Money is power. And the top 20% have ALL of it. That's the reality of America. It's financial feudalism. ... ealth.html

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Post subject: Re: U.S & Economic CollapsePosted: June 30th, 2011, 6:15 am
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Carnac wrote:
This way the rich still pay more percent then the poor, but it's the difference between five mansions and three yachets; and four mansions and two yachts.
Who gave the right to tell others how to spend their money?

Planet Earth is over 4.5 billion years old and yet people are convinced that a mere 200 years of human industry is capable of destroying it. :roll: What about the hundreds of active volcanoes that spew posion gases into the air and oceans every day? How do you shut those down? How about that volcano in Iceland that erupted with such power it made an atomic bomb blast look like a noisemaker and put so much ash in the air it shut down Atlantic air travel for a week? I've never seen human industrial output do that. Look up the volcano eruptions of Tambora, Krakatoa, Santorini and Mt St Helens to get a good idea of how much polution has to be cranked out to effect the earth.

Post subject: Re: U.S & Economic CollapsePosted: June 30th, 2011, 6:36 am
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Hey Catz just show me where social justice by taking from the rich and giving to the poor has worked? Also you use a source from a California university? Well that's a big lie. Stop acting like a parrot by repeating what some clueless talking head on PMSNBC is reading off a teleprompter.

Economics are really simple folks. As long as you don't spend more than you take in you'll be ok. Keep your assets greater than your liabilites and again you'll be fine. You seize money from the productive and give it to the unproductive well you're going to have problems sooner or later like now. There are too many unproductives out there and the productive which are getting fewer and fewer can't support them. Communism/Socialism will always fail because there's no money in it. All I have to do is look at Europe and see it failing before our eyes and folks like you CATZ are in denial.

Post subject: Re: U.S & Economic CollapsePosted: June 30th, 2011, 7:18 am
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So Paris Hilton is a productive human being, simply because she has money? And Tim the Iron Worker is unproductive and a lazy bastard because he's making minimum wage?

Probably posting from and iPhone and naval terms befuddle it. If I say a ships' hill, you know what I meant.

Post subject: Re: U.S & Economic CollapsePosted: June 30th, 2011, 7:54 am
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Good point, but I suppose someone wealthy can significantly influence something individually, while it takes a group of lower income people in order to achieve a similar influence, there are exceptions to this however

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Post subject: Re: U.S & Economic CollapsePosted: June 30th, 2011, 11:09 am
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CATZ wrote:
You've been watching Faux news too much.
:lol: Ha! Faux News. I like that! :lol:

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