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Post subject: Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.Posted: June 2nd, 2024, 7:16 pm
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Post subject: Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.Posted: June 17th, 2024, 9:52 pm
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Good morning, guys:

In the early 1970s, the Navy ordered a pair of 13,500 tons, with a single B&W diesel engine cargo ships, named Ilo and Rímac, the later was sold to CPV (the state shipping line) after launching. Ilo was during several years the main cargo ship of the Navy and when not used by the fleet was used by Oficina Naviera Comercial (a commercial branch of the Navy). In the 1990s was renamed Mollendo (ATC-131) and later, in the early 2000s once again was renamed Union (ABE-161) and during several years was used as the training ship of the Navy, with a hold modified for acomodation of naval cadets, until being replaced by an ad hoc tall ship training vessel of the same name in 2017, and subsecuently being paid-off. Cheers.

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Last edited by reytuerto on June 28th, 2024, 1:21 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.Posted: June 20th, 2024, 10:20 pm
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Good morning, guys:

With the winds of war against Spain, in 1865 the Peruvian Navy ordered a pair of ironclads in Britain. A turret ship, Huáscar; and a lateral battery battleship, Independencia. Built by Samuda, Independencia was armored by a 4.5 inch belt (2.5 in bow and stern) and 4.5 plates over the main battery. As built she was armed with 12 70 pounder Armstrong rifled guns in the main battery, and two 150 pounder Armstrong rifled guns in deck positions. The machinery was a compound Penn engine and cilindrical boilers. Both Peruvian ironclads arrived too late to have an active participation in the South American-Spanish war. Independencia was the backbone of the Fleet at the begining of the War of the Pacific in 1879. In her first action, in a risky gamble, she tried to ram a Chilean gunboat in shallow waters and ran aground, being completelly lost. Here is shown in 1877, as seen during the Pacocha incident.

Credits: As the only picture of Independencia with sails is an oil over canvas paint, I followed the rigging used by Darth Panda and Craig Hoefer in the excellent made drawings of Victorian era steam and sail warships. Thanks to both of them!

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PS: If there is a wrong shading in the ram, I will be eagerly waiting your comments.

PS2: During the War of the Pacific, Independencia had the bowsprit removed, had a fixed 250 pounder Vavasseur (Blakely patent) forward, and a trainable 150 pounder Parrot at the stern; and left the steam launch at Callao (which was also named Independencia), but unfortunately, I was unable to find a picture or photograph of the vessel with that configuration.

Last edited by reytuerto on June 27th, 2024, 12:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.Posted: June 23rd, 2024, 10:47 pm
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Good afternoon, guys:

BAP Pisco, after the addition of the Spanish Scamo optical guided RWSs (2x30 mm, 4 x 12.70 mm, and mast mounted director), very different from the first renders 10 years ago. Cheers.

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Post subject: Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.Posted: June 27th, 2024, 12:00 pm
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The modernization of the Peruvian Navy begun with the purchase of a pair of Canadian River frigates. Named Teniente Palacios and Teniente Ferré, later the name was simplified to Palacios and Ferré only. Both vessels were active from 1947 to 1966 when were paid off.

Credits: I "steal" several ideas from Porstmouth Bill and Char´s well made River frigates. Thanks to both of them!


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NB: Drawings corrected, thanks Hood!

Last edited by reytuerto on June 30th, 2024, 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.Posted: June 29th, 2024, 8:46 am
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You are lacking overhang shading again with these latest drawings.

Also, shouldn't the angled section below the bridge of the Pisco be grey rather than black?

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Post subject: Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.Posted: June 29th, 2024, 2:08 pm
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Thanks Hood! Your feedback is invaluable for improving my drawings.

In Pisco, I think that the line is black because there is a metal sheet that form an aisle between the bridge itself and the metal sheel. Cheers!

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Post subject: Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.Posted: July 4th, 2024, 3:54 pm
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Good morning, guys:

The wooden steam corvette Unión was firstly built in France for the Confederate States, but American diplomatic pressure prevented the incorporation of the 4 French built corvettes to the "stars and bars" navy. 2 were bought by Prussia, and 2 by Peru. Unión was a fast vessel, able to steam at 13 knots, and well armed (12 x Voruz 70 pounder MRL guns, a Blakely derivative made in France). In Peruvian service, Unión had probably the best combat record (even better than Huascar) of any warship of the Navy: In the Spanish-South American War, Unión had the best allied gunnery agaist the Spaniard Squadron at Abtao, and in the War of the Pacific, she was at Chipana, captured with Huascar the Chilean transport Rímac, made a raid to Punta Arenas, the most southern Chilean harbour, evade the Chilean Fleet after Angamos, and was able twice to evade the blockade of Arica. After the fall of Lima, she was scuttled to avoid her capture. Her sister ship, the corvette America was lost with all hands in the earthquake and tsunami of 1968, off Arica.

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During this week, I recived some vintage photographs and some pics of the Naval Museum at Callao. So I was forced to made some corrections to Independencia, in the stern and the rudder. My appologies to the Archivist for additional work to your superb work in keeping up to date the drawings of the bucket. Cheers.

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Post subject: Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.Posted: July 6th, 2024, 7:59 pm
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During the short war between Ecuador and Peru in 1941, the success of the peruvian light forces in the mangrove coast in the border, pave the way for an ad hoc light flotilla of 4 vessels built by Korady Marine, Viareggio, Italy, in 1960. Strongly armed for her size with a 40/60 Bofors and a 20 mm Oerlikon (some sources said 2 x 40 Bofors), Zarumilla and her sisters were for 20 years the backbone of the Flotilla de Esteros. In 1982 all were transfered to the Coastguard and renamed. All except Rio Piura were paid off in the mid 1990s. During a gale off Pisco, in 2010, Rio Piura sunk with the loss of 3 lives. Cheers.

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Post subject: Re: Some Peruvian Navy vessels 1890 - 2020.Posted: July 7th, 2024, 4:27 am
Posts: 1630
Joined: July 23rd, 2011, 1:46 am
Excellent work Reytuerto! :)

Can't WAIT to see more my friend :!:

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