Changing things up a bit, the Naval Auxiliary Coastal Patrol serves as the "active" branch of the sprawling organization of the Imperial Naval Auxiliary And Reserve, serving on oceanic border patrol maritime law enforcement, and most importantly in the case of the islands, providing the sight of one of Her Majesty's ships on a semi-regular basis. In peacetime, the ships are painted in an eye-catchingly bold scheme, though would adopt the light gray of the rest of the navy in the event of war or tension requiring them to ship their full compliment of weapons.
Below is one of their ship classes, the
Bunthanbongs, a medium endurance patrol vessel. They are shown with the full-sized Chinook helicopters that they struggle to operate, as of 2008, the NH90 was being investigated to provide a platform more suitable for operations from such a small ship. It is this class, one of the most numerous in the force, that has been known to fill illegal fishing boats with dread, as when they do manage to get their massive birds aloft, no guilty trawler yet pursued has successfully escaped being sent to a prize court.
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