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Post subject: Re: Supercarrier ChallengePosted: January 3rd, 2024, 12:27 am
Posts: 110
Joined: November 14th, 2014, 4:13 am
Gollevainen: Not a big fan of the plating on the top view, especially when compared to the lack of any sort of panel lines on the side view. Other than that it's a pretty solid drawing.

Me: I'm surprised I scored as high as I did.

rbz88: I quite like this entry. Visually it looks quite good, it feels a biut overdetailked in places but nothing super excessive. One issue I do have is that with the large number of aircraft depicted on deck, there is a degree of inconsistency between views. e.g. There are two fighters on the aft elevator on the top view that are absent from the side view. There also appears to be an errant life preserver on the tail fin of one fighter.

BB1987: Excellent drawing. No real issues that bug me, perfect level of detail and love the hangar view.

Ace: I really like the design, albeit the drawing feels somewhat empty. You mention having run short on time and I suspect that's the reason. Your drawings often have, in my view, just the right amount of detailing and I think that running out of time likely put you a bit short of that level. I do hope you revisit this and fill in the rest as I quite like it.

Soode: A fitting winner for sure. My main issue with it is that I'm not a fan of tie down points being shown. One other thing is that the bridge windows feel rather flat in comparison to the level of detail elsewhere. I recall that you're generally a purist when it comes to not showing details behind windows, but I feel like may not have hurt to experiment.

VC: Drawing feels a bit spares on details, again I suspect another victim of the running out of time train. I like the design and am a sucker for the CVA-01 style Alaska Highways, I am wondering though on whether or not it actually needs to be able to fit two planes abreast.

BillKerman1234: Excellent Not-Enterprise. I think it has a solid level of detailing , as with soode's entry I'm not a big fan of tie down points. I feel like you may be over complicating things when it comes to determining how to shade stuff. Instead of mucking about with 3d models, fleshing out the air wing would likely have been a better use of time. Also love the shipgirl.

Kattsun: While I personally am *usually* a fan of your heretical style and think that nothing in the SB Style guide forbids depictions of aircraft from AUs inhabited by Neco Arcs and Chibi planes, in this case I think you fell short of your usual standard. If you started earlier and hadn't been in a rush to get it out at the last second you'd have done better. With regards to your ongoing trial for heresy against the sacred SB Style guides, I will say that while some on the bucket wish to convict you for your shading choices, I am not one of them. I instead cast my vote for heresy on a far more severe violation. Spilled boba is a form of battle damage.

armoured man: Like Aces, your drawing also feels a bit "empty", the product of being a very well polished work in progress. I hope you circle back and finish it.
acelanceloet wrote: *

Corp: Crazy concept that is well drawn. I am not sold on some design choices (the propeller being above the waterline without ballast for example) but my main gripe is with the shading, which seems inconsistent on the torpedo shaped hulls and shows a very blunt strut near the bow. I think the actual design waterline would be somewhere halfway the struts, not just below the hangar deck, as right now the ship would get excessive slamming and the hangar would get water ingestion trough the side openings. All in all, an very good drawing of a very non-standard design with the drawbacks of that fact.
As far as my design choices go, the prop being above the water was an extrapolation based on the figures for total ballasted draft, depth of propellers at full ballast and unballasted. In order for them to not be above waterline would require ones far larger than I considered reasonable (An admittedly odd thing to say for such an unreasonable design). I have no excuse for the shading, the bow area in particular is something where I stopped less because I liked the result and more because I knew another 5 revisions wouldn't leave me any happier.

As far as the waterline goes, a core issue I had when drawing was that there was zero information provided as to the ship'stotal height, height of the flight deck above waterline or any other figure with which to extrapolate that information. The text implies that the only things out of the water at full ballast would be the hangar and flight decks so I figured that at full draft only the minimal amount of the struts would be above water, the high waterline along the strut also allowed for a lower overall height which would make the unreasonable job of servicing this slightly more reasonable. My view was that things like slamming and water ingress with the lower height of the hangar above water could be mitigated by just sailing the ship at less than full draft.

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