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Post subject: A larger Scale (4 Pixels : 1 foot)Posted: February 4th, 2018, 5:54 pm
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I have had an almost life long fascination for military history, and whist looking up the H-39 battleship I found a colourised drawing of it. It was by MitcheLL300, this drawing lead me to other similar drawings, which then lead my to Shipbucket. I liked the fact that these outline of ships could be brought to life by adding colour and making them appear how they would have looked in real life. I've been drawing for years now and I still love it but I do find the scale a limiting factor, for smaller vessels and items like portholes, I have wondered if we we could have a larger scale that we could use to draw our ships. I think this would be especially appealing when we are drawing the smaller vessels.

I've tried 4 Pixels = 1 feet Scale; not too big but it does allow for much greater detailing. I hope this will bring an interest and a discussion about the possible inclusion of this scale.

[ img ]

If you zoom in onto the area with the red square you can see where I have redrawn a few things. I know it isn’t much but you can see the difference, the porthole actually look round! So what do you think?

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Last edited by Tempest on February 12th, 2018, 11:16 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post subject: Re: A larger ScalePosted: February 4th, 2018, 10:17 pm
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It sort of does make sense, but for me personally, it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks...

[ img ] Thank you Kim for the crest

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Post subject: Re: A larger ScalePosted: February 4th, 2018, 11:52 pm
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Nice! I've often wanted to do this especially for the smaller ships.

One thing to note, I wouldn't try to size up an SB drawing and then trace over it for this - for one thing the scale of some items won't be accurately shown since we exaggerate details.

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Post subject: Re: A larger ScalePosted: February 5th, 2018, 1:09 am
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I like it.

It is like the difference between 1/700 and then modeling in 1/350, there is just no comparison in the detailing you can do.

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Post subject: Re: A larger ScalePosted: February 5th, 2018, 1:04 pm
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My only negative observation would be that larger scales can lead to lead to rather 'cartoony' features. The scope for greater detailing is great, but unless you have that detailing then a drawing can look too bare.

Also, with complicated gun, director, radar and other parts you have to be careful to get it right and get the details correct. No mean feat with sometimes poor sources to work from.

I will say though that this scale is better than FD scale for larger ships. We've seen some great FD subs and ships from our Master artists so we know that bigger scales are feasible.
I'd say do a complete drawing and let us see what it turns out like.

To me though, true SB will always be 2 pix = 1 foot.

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Post subject: Re: A larger ScalePosted: February 5th, 2018, 3:55 pm
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I find myself mostly in agreement with Hood - to me, Shipbucket grew out of the recognition handbooks of the olden days. Enough detail to understand what you're looking at, sometimes exaggerating key differences just a little to aid in telling classes or vessels apart. And it's a nice resolution to correspond to accuracy of available sources - I'd rather see an accurate (if slightly cartoony) 2px/ft drawing than a 4px/ft drawing that has a lot of detail simply made up.

That said, if folks want to draw careful, accurate 4px/ft drawings, I'll happily comment on them and appreciate them :)

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Post subject: Re: A larger ScalePosted: February 5th, 2018, 5:02 pm
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Colosseum wrote: *
One thing to note, I wouldn't try to size up an SB drawing and then trace over it for this - for one thing the scale of some items won't be accurately shown since we exaggerate details.
Will do, cheers Colo.

For the ‘neigh sayers’, for smaller drawings I think they would be small enough that there would be enough detail but perhaps for larger drawings, they should only be in this scale if the drawing has the detail or enough photographs to add the detail then it to look right?

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Post subject: Re: A larger ScalePosted: February 6th, 2018, 4:16 pm
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JG scale works pretty good, it allows some very detailed drawings, but it can take some getting used to

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Post subject: Re: A larger ScalePosted: February 6th, 2018, 7:19 pm
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I will paypal you $20 today if you can produce an accurately-drawn JG scale version of a battleship without going insane / giving up.

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Post subject: Re: A larger ScalePosted: February 6th, 2018, 10:37 pm
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Add US$20 from me too, with the condition that it's a drawing of a real steam driven battleship ;)

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