Swiss Army Uniforms World War 1 and World War 2
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the swiss army started the war with the uniform Ord. 1889: There was a combat tunic, normally worn as field and service uniform and there was also a field jacket (I think the last was worn as I work uniform and in hot weather). There were different headdresses. Most troops wore a shako, but some also wore a cap similar to the austrian mountain cap (for example the numerous cyclist troops). There were also képis, often worn by officers. The uniform 1889 was very inspired by the austrian uniform of that time. There was a fieldgrey cover for the shako and some troops also wore a fieldgey overjacket for camouflage. During WW1 a field grey uniform Ord. 1914 introduced. This uniform was also inspired by the austrian uniform of that time. The colour was a fieldgrey but greener then the german field grey. As headdress a "police cap" and for officers also a fieldgrey képi was introduced. The shako was kept for a while. In 1917 also a steel helmet was introduced, similar to the german helmet (this helmet was replace by the helmet 71. My father still wore from 1963 the helmet 1 until 1980, when he received the helmet 71. I am still equiped with the helmet 71, but younger soldiers have the kevlar helmet 04. In my battalion only a handful of capains and majors are equiped with the helmet 71). Standard weapons was the 7,5mm Schmidt-Rubin K11.
After the war the uniform Ord. 1926 was introduces. Basically it was a uniform Ord. 1917 with simplified insignias. In 1940 the uniform Ord. 1940 was introduced, which was basically a uniform Ord. 1926 but with turn down collar. Off Duty it could be worn with open collar. Headdress was the helmet 17 and a mountain cap, similar to the austrian one. By the older unforms Ord. 1926 the stand-up collars were remodeld to a turn down collar. This uniform was named Ord. 26/40.
For soldiers the combat, service and off-duty uniform was afaik basically the same (I think there was also a working uniform, which was also worn in hot weather). Officers had uniforms of better quality. They also had a special off-duty uniform. As headdresses they wore next to the helmet a mountain cap, police cap or soft képi and for some occasions a stiff képi.
Swiss soldiers did not and do not wear many insignias and no medals. The swiss army was and is quite a republican, with not a big class distinction between officers and soldiers. Parades in fancy uniforms and medals were and are not important for the swiss army.