Looks good
, the only thing that looks a bit off is the forward trunked funnel, whose S shape (at least for me) looks a bit too high.
Otherwise, refinements would be small. Personally, i'd delete the second auxiliary anchor at midship, since post 20's IJN ships usually sported just the one at the stern. For a 1944 fit you can also remove the second bow anchor as all Major warships had lost it by 1938/1941. Last quibble is for the gun director fitted above the bridge. that's an auxiliary unit (usually placed aft as a backup for the primary one fittd above the battle bridge), and there's no main rangefinder.
If you want to further improve the look of Ibuki, you can find canvas bags and training guns (other than major rangefinders) for the main turrets by looking at the 1929 fit of the KnK Aratama in my Koko AU. Finally, here is a wip of the IJN parts sheet update, on which I'm working since ages to properly update various systems and that's still far from beign finished. You might find it useful to refresh some parts if you want.
I had planned to send it to you earlier, but I had problems with my PC during the last two weeks....
Hope you'll dont take my remarks too heavily, keep up with your work