I cant deside if it used parts from decomisioned Kongos or if IJN used a Fuso instead ?
if the ONI description a few pages ago is correct at least in it's overview you have 3 25.000t units built in place of 3 Kongos (I suppose Hiei still got converted into a training ship) so you'll have 12 14-inch gun turrets avaliable for later rearmament. The three Asamas need only 9 of them so you have now 3 turrets to spare (enough to build a fourth vessel from the keel-up). Also you are scrapping roughly 82.000t replacing them with 75.000t (at least officially).
Using 2 Fusos you'll still have 12 turrets, 9 used and 3 to spare, but there is the starting problem that you have scrapped just 60.000t, which, even if you cheat on the displacement, is well below the minimum 75.000t needed to build three new vessels.
Speed-wise it is surely better to exchange the much slower Fusos (instead of the Kongos) with something that can do 28knots (like ONI claims for the Asamas)