Found a little free time to work so here is a small Me 262 camo scheme WIP.
NOTE: These particular aircraft are depicted on the left side because that is what is shown from the reference drawings I am going off of; and
many camo schemes are WIP.
Aircraft from top to bottom (all in RLM 81/76):
Heinz Bar's "White 7" W.Nr. 111174 of JV 44
W.Nr. 111857 of JV 44
"White 22" of JV 44
RLM Color schemes below nose of "White 7" are the following if anyone wants to use them (they are hopefully accurate

RLM 83 Dunkelgrun/Dark Green
RLM 75 (Upper surface) Grau/Gray
RLM 74 (Upper Surface) Dunkelgrau/Dark Grey
RLM 02 Grau/Gray
RLM 82 Hellgrun/Light Green
RLM 24 Dunkelblau/Dark Blue
RLM 81 Braunviolett/Brown Violet
RLM 23 Rot/Red
RLM 76 Weissblau/White Blue
And RLM 04 Gelb/Yellow is under W.Nr 111457 (the 2nd aircraft)