Interesting. Many modern warships have *significant* allowances for growth on both weight and stability, and one would expect these to be similar. I am unsurprised that Navantia did not initially appreciate just how much allowance needs to made for ice - I have some photos from an RN frigate during the 1970's which shows how it really builds up.
One quibble; the speculative ASW weapon does not seem to be on the plan view?
ASW weapon: ops.
Ice. The Fridtjof Nansen class are designed to handle 300+ tons of ice on deck, without it effect the ship stability. or to say it the same way as my step dad say. The ship must handle 300 tons of ice, and still be fully operation.
And I remember when my step dad told me about that time they showed those Navanti engineers pictures of an Oslo class snow/iced down. and how choked they was, they had seen anything like that before!
I'd expect the Norwegians to leverage something like ASW-601, rather than going through the effort and expense of designing an entirely new system.
Perhaps. the system is good, and is an cheep alternative. but the Navy haven't yet gone out with what they want in that section.
But remember that we have Kongsberg in Norway, and the Norwegian government doesn't hesitate giving Kongsberg the task to design a new system, just to give them work. basically we are almost like USA, we like to do things our way. I will not be surprised if Kongsberg design and Terne ASW (have heard about an Terne X, in the Norwegian Navy forum, but that was a couple years ago, and probably ended with the name!) system derivative based on VLS (reload able canister). or something small deck mounted, either in front of the bridge or in front of the funnel.