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Post subject: Re: 1920s Costal battleship design challenge.Posted: June 22nd, 2014, 3:02 pm
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Sorry for the double post, but I`ve updated both the drawing and the SS report.

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Post subject: Re: 1920s Costal battleship design challenge.Posted: June 22nd, 2014, 6:21 pm
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The advantage Bjorgvin class (Gorgon class) had is that it had the capability to sty outside of enemy fire (battleship, cruisers, etc.) but still can fire and hit's it's targets! The Brits was clever in redesigning an Artillery gun for her!

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Post subject: Re: 1920s Costal battleship design challenge.Posted: June 22nd, 2014, 7:38 pm
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Can it really hit anything at that range ? (well at least any moving target rather than just NGFS missions ?).

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Post subject: Re: 1920s Costal battleship design challenge.Posted: June 22nd, 2014, 7:44 pm
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Norwegian gunners at that time was good at firing. but the most important thing wasn't to hit the target, but show them that they can fire at them outside there range, thus force them to change the enemys tactical plan.

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Post subject: Re: 1920s Costal battleship design challenge.Posted: June 24th, 2014, 6:47 pm
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I think I will redo my ship for 2 turrets (to save cost/displacement)

I was thinking of using all forward like Nelson due to wanting to save weight on the belt (ie heavy belt on mags / light belt for engines). Not having split mags would save on bulkheads.

I will admit I was going for something that would maybe hurt a Kongo as the IJN cant lose one before the decisive battle so they cant be risked south if the Dutch have something with 13.5 guns ?

But going for a CA killer will save a lot on belt etc.


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Post subject: Re: 1920s Costal battleship design challenge.Posted: June 24th, 2014, 7:18 pm
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Beware that making a good cruiser killer on less than 10 000 tonnes is... extremly hard(not to say impossible). I went with a mini-Deutschland, because I've made one before with pleasing results.

Oh, and Karle94, right now your report says that your armour belt doesn't fully cover magazines and machinery spaces. Not good. ;)

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Post subject: Re: 1920s Costal battleship design challenge.Posted: June 24th, 2014, 8:02 pm
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KHT wrote:
Beware that making a good cruiser killer on less than 10 000 tonnes is... extremly hard(not to say impossible). I went with a mini-Deutschland, because I've made one before with pleasing results.

I was counting on saving weight by being slow ;) as defending my coast and with the Japanese CAs tied to invasion transports/beaches I don't need to be fast 21-24Kn would be fine.


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Post subject: Re: 1920s Costal battleship design challenge.Posted: June 24th, 2014, 8:55 pm
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most coastal defense ships:

speed: 14-16 knots
Armor: vital areas, rest is just extreme amount of watertight compartment, all compartments in an Coastal defense ships is small and tight, thus increase chance to survive.
2 X single/twin. 7.5in to 10in guns. (except of Sverige class: 11.1in)
2/4/6 X single/twin. 3in to 6in
hull size: up to 100 meters (except of Sverige class: 121.6m)
weight: 6000 tons (Sverige class: almost 8000 tons)

placement of armament for an coastal defense (battleship) ships: is one turret forward and one turret to rear with two/four smaller flanking turret (two on center-line if four turret design) (because the ship is always backing off, not attacking). if you mount all turret forward on an low hull, you are more designing an monitor that have the task of giving an artillery support.

The differences between coastal defense ships and Sverige class, is that Sverige class is more an mini battleship.

a 10000 ton Coastal battleship, would be similar to Sverige class, just a bit bigger. I would say an length of max 140 meter with 12in guns, and light armor and heavy armor over vital area, and some large amount of watertight compartment. on an sluggish 20 knots max hull. a defense ship doesn't need more speed.

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Post subject: Re: 1920s Costal battleship design challenge.Posted: June 24th, 2014, 9:54 pm
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Heuhen, I'm going to respectfully disagree. Everything you've said is true - for a CDS(or a ship fullfilling the same mission) built before the Dreadnought came about*. She raised the ante enormously, and no CDS completed after that point could keep it up with what its forebearers could do during the pre-dreadnought era. The Sverige was a valliant attempt, but even at completion she was hopelessly obsolete. And this would show more in the years that came.
For a ship to complete the same mission as CDS did in the late 19th century and first years of the 20th century one has to upsize it. The limit of 10 000 tonnes were set, I believe, to keep us at a plausible size for what a lesser nation might be capable of affording - with some stretch of the mind, but so are almost all AU/PD-designs.

EDIT: JSB, by 10 000 tonnes displacement, are we talking standard displacement, or full?

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Post subject: Re: 1920s Costal battleship design challenge.Posted: June 24th, 2014, 10:06 pm
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I set the limit as 10,000t + maybe a bit of rule bending (ie IJN/Italian CAs or Deutschland).

I did that for 2 reasons,

1) To stop you designing real BBs that could never be afforded by a minor power.

2) My reading of WNT/LNT and stuff around it is that the party's (specifically GB/US) is that they tried to stop anybody from buying/building over 10,000t ships (to reinforce the treaty) so unless you can make it yourself (unlikely) you will not be able to go over 10,000t (but since the party's themselves cheated they cant really stop you (if you build it yourself from parts bought abroad, you can just tell them the wrong weights by 10 or 20% or just miss out something's you add on later ?).

I hope that makes sense ?

We are talking Standard WNT displacement.


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