Wow! Fantastic! Great to see it done!
Better now. I'd keep the bottom one, as because of the lack of darker shading on some panel lines on upper one, these lines becomes blur/two-pixel thick, particularly near the tail. (and I'd make gun holes black)
I'd suggest also to make the main gear tires thicker - not 3-pixel (countour-grey-contour), but at least 4-pixels (at the expense of the metal part around the axis).
Another - but minor thing is that personally I think that some panel lines were parallel to shape of fuselage and other parts), so they would look better if had "steps" in the same places.
![[ img ]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/eswube/z-Miscellanous/linie.png)
Btw. to avoid stray pixels from the source drawings, I'm always converting these source drawings to 16-color mode and when doing the drawing, instead of black and grey I'm using other colors (red, green etc.), then after making the drawing I remove the "old" colors (clearly seeing which ones are these - simply removing everything that's not red, green etc.) and then repaint what's left into proper colors.