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Post subject: Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search ThrPosted: March 10th, 2014, 7:37 pm
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Ahh.. the famous jet from Octopussy. i was wondering why nobody drew that already :)

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Post subject: Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search ThrPosted: March 10th, 2014, 8:23 pm
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Hello again!

Stayed up late yesterday waiting for Game of Thrones Season 3 being broadcast (us poor Krauts seem to be the last people on the planet to see that one on free TV) and drew away, and just about the time of Tyrion's wedding night, it was done:

Sud Aviation SE.210 Caravelle (all versions that were series-produced):
[ img ]


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Post subject: Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search ThrPosted: March 10th, 2014, 9:51 pm
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Post subject: Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search ThrPosted: March 11th, 2014, 5:56 am
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Post subject: Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search ThrPosted: March 11th, 2014, 9:08 am
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Awesome work! :)

And here's another by-product of the Polish Wings thread: ... 56#p113356

(I also invite You all to check - and comment on - Odysseus "Hellenic Wings 1912-1945 thread) ... 7&start=10

Percival Proctor was a small communications and training (esp. radio training) built in 1939 on RAF order, with 1143 being produced and many used post-war in civil aviation.

Great Britain, Percival Proctor
[ img ]

Hawker Henley was initially designed as single-engined light bomber (largely being a scaled-up Hawker Hurricane), but after RAF decided that this line of development is a dead-end, the design was developed as target-towing aircraft for AAA co-operation. Prototype was first flown in 1937 and 200 planes were produced, from 1942 gradually replaced by target-towing variant of Defiant and purpose-built Miles Martinet.

Great Britain, Hawker Henley
[ img ]

Blackburn Botha was designed to the same specification for torpedo-bomber as Bristol Beaufort. First flown in 1938, it unfortunately had weak engines, poor stability and (due to wing/engine arrangement) observers enjoyed extremely poor visibility (a serious problem for an aircraft that was supposed to -among others- do the maritime recon). Still, due to pressing needs of the RAF it entered production, although only one squadron (No. 608) used them operationally - and rather briefly - and rest of 580 produced aircraft was relegated to training duties.

Great Britain, Blackburn Botha
[ img ]

Miles M.14 Magister, first flown in 1937, was the first low-wing monoplane basic trainer of the RAF. 1303 were built for the RAF, FAA and number of export customers, enjoying long and fruitful service first as military trainer and later as sports plane.

Great Britain, Miles M.14 Magister
(Belgium, Egypt, Estonia, Latvia, Portugal, Turkey)
[ img ]
[ img ]
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In 1937 Miles Aircraft Ltd built a prototype of a very modern advanced trainer - a low-wing monoplane with enclosed cockpit and retractable undercarriage, designated M.9 Kestrel. Prototype met with interest from RAF which ordered improved version M.9A Master Mk.I with Kestrel inline engine to be used as advanced- and fighter-trainer. This was followed by M.19 Master Mk.II with radial Mercury XX engine, and later with M.27 Master Mk.III wit US-supplied P&W Twin Wasp Junior. Total of 3205 Masters were built, including 900 Mk.I, 1748 Mk.II and 602 Mk.III to a total of 3250 machines.

Great Britain, Miles M.9 Kestrel
[ img ]

Great Britain, Miles M.9A Master Mk.I
[ img ]

Great Britain (France, South Africa, Turkey), Miles M.19 Master Mk.II
[ img ]
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Great Britain, Miles M.27 Master Mk.III
[ img ]

Based on Master, a dedicated target-towing aircraft was built, designated Miles M.25 Martinet. First flown in 1942, total of 1724 were built.

Great Britain, Miles M.25 Martinet
[ img ]
[ img ]

Last edited by eswube on April 5th, 2014, 7:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post subject: Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search ThrPosted: March 11th, 2014, 4:56 pm
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Excellent work. More aircraft please!

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Post subject: Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search ThrPosted: March 11th, 2014, 8:06 pm
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Post subject: Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search ThrPosted: March 11th, 2014, 11:05 pm
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Wonderful drawings of lesser known types Eswube :D

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Post subject: Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search ThrPosted: March 11th, 2014, 11:52 pm
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Kyushu J7W1 Shinden
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Post subject: Re: FD Scale Aircraft 8: The Next Generation Easy Search ThrPosted: March 12th, 2014, 2:33 am
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Verusea Alternative Universe is starting to build up.

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