note also, that with no reference material for usage of helicopters like that on board ships, there is little known about the requirements of helicopters that size on an combatant. note that ships and hangars seem to size up exponentially with the size of the helicopter (compare, let's say, a perry with an iroquis, with respectively the SH-2/SH-60 and the sea king. the iroquis is much larger with systems on board which could be fitted on smaller ships as well.
sizes of the hangar are not related to the hangar alone, but also to maintenance and if there are crossings along the side of the hangar (meaning, should personnel get safely through the hangar towards the stern or not) and most likely many other factors I (we) haven't even thought about.
so, I don't think anybody was trying to burn the ship down, but legitimately asking questions for more knowledge and for improvement of the design. for ships counts, that almost everything can work as long as your reasoning works. checking sizes is only half of that, and we cannot check if you did the other estimations (I am certain you did, but to see your thought process we ask questions and make remarks).
depending on the beam and arrangement, I think 2 chinooks would fit just fine, but I doubt about maintenance, and slightly about the strength of that hangar being able to keep the CIWS on top stable. I think this would require an 'box structure' so making the hangar side double bulkheads with some width as well. have you kept that in mind, voyager? (I base this on LPD hangar designs, which are slightly bigger ships but those are the only ones which operate helo's like this.
the skegs are indeed modified from one of erik's drawings and fitted to the flight 3 burke

they just fitted perfectly