
Strudel's AU Work
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Author:  Strudel [ November 2nd, 2021, 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Strudel's AU Work

Greetings all,

Figured I might as well create a thread for posting some of my AU material. The idea is to post mainly content of my Japanese Setting, though some other content may show up here occasionally.

Empire of Japan

This AU's core is Japan as a distant, but third power in the cold war, following a less ambitious campaign in China and neutrality during WW2. It's rise mainly occured following the second world war, supporting independence movements across Asia and balancing its imperialism towards China with a diplomatic stance in support of racial equality between peoples and decolonization, particularly in Asia. During the Cold War, it acted as a leader of a non-aligned movement, yet leaned more towards the United States than the USSR on certain occasions due to geostrategic interests. The decline of the Soviet Union caused Japan's position in Asia to strengthen, though this hegemony would not last indefinitely. Challenged by a rising Republic of China, backed by American economic interests, Japan now faces an old rival rising from the ashes, disputing interests in Asia and former allies. In the meantime, Russia, it's former rival, becomes an unexpected ally.

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Now to some aircraft.

Shin Meiwa A15W "Seiran":

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Developed in the 90s in partnership with Yakovlev, the Shin Meiwa A15W entered service in the Imperial Japanese Navy in 1996. The Russian company partnered with Shin Meiwa (Former Kawanishi) to continue development of its own native design, with the Japanese company improving and adapting the aircraft for japanese needs and specifications. The end result was an advanced VTOL aircraft, with modern electronics and armament, capable of deploying from small airbases and specialized naval vessels. A total of 142 were built thus far, with 86 operated by the IJN, 40 by the Indonesian Air Force and 16 by the Kingdom of Hawaii. The design's relative success later convinced the Russian Federation to acquire 60 aircraft built in Russia, under the designation Yak-141M. This was one of Japan's first cooperations with its former rival, the USSR, and a landmark in Russo-Japanese rapprochement following the end of the Cold War and the rise of a US supported Republic of China.

Kawasaki B6K "Donryu II"

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(Some ordnance adapted from Char's amazing work)

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Shin Meiwa H9W1-N

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More designs coming soon!

Author:  Charguizard [ November 2nd, 2021, 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strudel's AU Work

'ery noice, keep up the good work

Author:  Hood [ November 3rd, 2021, 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Strudel's AU Work

Some very nice designs here and good colour schemes too, keep them coming!

Author:  Tank man [ November 9th, 2021, 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Strudel's AU Work

An interesting premise, I can’t wait to see more of your drawings.

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