The Short Sturgeon, developed to Specification S.11/43 the Short S.38 (later called S.A.1 Sturgeon) first flew on th June 1946 and three prototypes were built. It was the first twin-engined aircraft designed for the Fleet Air Arm (although the DH Sea Mosquito and Sea Hornet flew first). Asymmetric handling problems and the end of the war killed the programme. Operation from the current Illustrious and Colossus class carriers was impractical.
It was then adapted for the target tug role as the S.39, then S.A.2 TT.Mk.2 and 24 were built.
Later still the S.A.3 was developed for ASW roles with radar operators in the nose and a chin radar along with Mamba turboprops but the design was a failure.