I think it's because of how whimsical that design is.
yeah and you do show that you can draw boats'
oh and that wooden deck
But enough with that.
I will start the round, the other people will come with rest (Note this is not to say this is impossible to do, suggestion's about what is most likely not possible and what can't be done and can be done. But also where things can be improved)
1. The hull good idea, but you should go for more a Visby like hull, since this hull is designed for something different (Most likely Acelanceloet can explain this a bit better than me!), one a 8 meter speed boat the hull basic line would be good...
2. That pod some you use as a part of you'r propulsion system, is not an good solution for this type of vessel (That pod is more like a pod you find on heavy Tugs, and they do mostly 10-18 knots! Cruise ships around 25 knots. But on totally different hulls) Here it is best to go for Visby class and/or Skjold class propulsion system: "Waterjet"
3. Radar is okay as it is. just some small thing but there is Ace... more capable to explain.
that was my starting three. Suggestions/What can and can't/possible improvement.
Ant the ball goes to ...