Welcome aboard, and as mentioned above it is a fine liner, which looks to be of the 1920's, which means a steamship, most probably coal-fired. That means much more ventilators around the funnels, and some coaling ports at the sides, near the water line.
A Shipbucket rule stipulates that all ships are viewed from starboard only. This is to say that the bows of the ship are pointing to the right side of the screen (just the opposite from your drawing).
As said earlier never use .jpg format for your drawings, the get re-sized and also get clattered with "ghost-pixels" especially near the drawing itself (the term is used to describe these nearly pure white pixels which don't really show to the naked eye).
I would also suggest using the right template and credits lines on your drawings, as it is, your drawing is more fitting with the Non-Shipbucket Drawings
Thank you Kim for the crest
"Never fear to try on something new. Remember that the Titanic was built by professionals, and the Ark by an amateur"