
HTMS Regent : Forrest Sherman-Class Export Version
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Author:  superboy [ June 29th, 2015, 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  HTMS Regent : Forrest Sherman-Class Export Version

Base on ship model so this is personal design, plan to final in 6 hours in saturday night, 3 days ago i have this(50%). :lol:

[ img ]

first design arm UK weapons, but 4.5 in MK V twin gun is bigger and look not match with the hull. may be 3 x 5/38 MK 12 twin gun or 5/54 mk16 single gun or Bofors 120/50 twin gun. 2to4 40/60mm twin gun, 2to4 20mm single or twin gun, 4 x single or triple-tupe 533 torpedo or 2 x 450 mm twin-tube torpedo, ASW Weapons, and ?? :idea:

Author:  odysseus1980 [ June 29th, 2015, 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HTMS Regent : Forrest Sherman-Class Export Version

Or Mk42 guns, the Mk16 was not very successful. The Bofors turret was enormously heavy, somewhere I read it weighted 55 tons. As for torpedoes, the 533mm from Fletcher DDs could be an oprion (5 tubes), ASROC could also be an option for ASW weapon.

Author:  Blackbuck [ June 29th, 2015, 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HTMS Regent : Forrest Sherman-Class Export Version

Actually, the Mark 42 is heavier than an M1950, both loaded and unloaded.

Author:  acelanceloet [ June 29th, 2015, 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HTMS Regent : Forrest Sherman-Class Export Version

Blackbuck wrote:
Actually, the Mark 42 is heavier than an M1950, both loaded and unloaded.
one ton heavier indeed, (66 tons for the Mk 42 vs 65 for the M50) but in later years (for fitting on the dutch tromp class) they made it 10 tons lighter by taking out the emergency local fire control and diesel.
that said, that is pretty damn impressive for a gun of about the same capabilities but with a barrel more :P

Author:  odysseus1980 [ June 29th, 2015, 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HTMS Regent : Forrest Sherman-Class Export Version

Forrest Sbermans had 3 Mk42. 5"/38 could be offered in an export version, but also why not the Mk42, as this is AU scenario. I know that this gun is also as much heavy as Bofors 120mm.

Author:  superboy [ July 1st, 2015, 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HTMS Regent : Forrest Sherman-Class Export Version

thank you to all and this is my 3 export versions :P

in 1957 US transferred 1 Forrest Sherman class destroyer to Thai Navy, new hull new sensors but rebuilt weapons. (HTMS Regent or Long name =Phitthayumronnayut)

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-3x127/38mm MK 12 single guns
-3x40/60mm twin guns
-2x20mm single gun
-4xmk25 530mm single tupe torpedo launcher
-2×mark 10/11 hedgehogs
-2xdepth charge racks
-Mk37 127mm gun director
-Mk51 40mm gun director
-AN/SPS-10 serface search radar
-AN/SPS-6C air search radar
-QHB sonar tactical range


in 1959 US sold 1 Forrest Sherman class destroyer to Thai Navy (new weapons). (HTMS Volant or Long name =Khajornchonrakhadee)

[ img ]

-replace 3x127/38mm MK 12 single guns by 3x127/54mm MK 42 single guns
-replace Mk37 127mm gun director by AN/SPG-63 127mm gun director


in 1960 US sold 1 Forrest Sherman class destroyer to Malaysia Navy, armed UK & Euro weapons and sensor (KD Langkawi)

[ img ]

-3xBofors 120/50mm single guns
-1x40/60mm Mk5 twin gun
-2x40/60mm single guns
-1×5tube 530mm Mark IV torpedo launcher
-1×Squid A/S mortar
-2xMRS-3 gun directors
-Type 960 air warning radar
-Type 293Q target indication radar
-Type 974 Navigation radar
-Type 170 attack sonar for Squid
-Type 174 medium range seach sonar

Author:  Gollevainen [ July 1st, 2015, 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HTMS Regent : Forrest Sherman-Class Export Version

looks really good, you should do more american ships, since that style of yours suites quite well on these designs.
also, you can draw the bofors on 0 elevation, makes better SB vise

Author:  superboy [ July 1st, 2015, 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HTMS Regent : Forrest Sherman-Class Export Version

Gollevainen thanks, little update the bofors.

[ img ]

these are american ships in royal thai navy that i will try to draw in good day, if looking good i will post.
- Cannon class escort destroyer
- Knox class frigate
-Tacoma class patrol frigate
- one or two amphibious warfare ships

Author:  heuhen [ July 1st, 2015, 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HTMS Regent : Forrest Sherman-Class Export Version

I could see for me an version "If Norway" version, if Norway went for destroyers instead for frigates, since half the Navy back then was paid by the US, So what if US wanted Norway to have destroyer due to the being so close to Soviet.

The answer would be quit simple, Oslo class, on steroids. The interesting thing would be how would they look like in the long run, like the Oslo class with all it's update and reconstruction...

Author:  wb21 [ July 2nd, 2015, 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HTMS Regent : Forrest Sherman-Class Export Version

Very nice and interesting concepts there, it would be great as well to have the real-life versions of the class. :)

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