The Japanese were building the Fubuki's with 6x5", France was building the large Contre-torpileurs with 5x5.5", Italy was following France with large destroyers even the US had to follow the Japanese with larger destroyers. What this meant is that the standard A-I type destroyer with its 4x4.7" were being badly outclassed. The idea of the A-I Leaders with 5x4.7 went some way to giving the smaller DD's a ship of force to back them up, but even they paled in comparison to other navies construction. The solution was to build a larger leader with guns that would match or better their oppositions. The latest 'G' class patrol cruisers had a new mark of 5.5" and these guns were to be fitted to a larger destroyer hull in single mountings and the twin light turret.
Working in the open with the single 5.5" had shown the difficulties of hand loading the larger weapons. A redesign of the aft section allowed for the three singles to be replaced with two twin turrets as fitted to the A position. The extra weight and beam required to fit three turrets on the design was more than made up for by the effectiveness of the loading system.