
Extreme HMS Nelson 1928 - 1939
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Author:  JSB [ September 19th, 2014, 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Extreme HMS Nelson 1928 - 1939

Extreme HMS Nelson 1928 - 1939

What would happen if the RN decided to push the letter of the WNT to the max when building HMS Nelson ?

So in my AU The RN didn't cheat as such just abused the definition of standard displacement to make a much better ship (lets face it no ship actually fought at standard displacement so why build one designed to ?)

WIP doing top views first to get layout right. (1939/1928 top + 1928 side all WIP)
[ img ]
A few facts,
As built
HMS Nelson Battlecruisers 35kt standard displacement
Guns 9x 15 inch/12 x 4 inch/4 x 40mm
Armour Deck/7inch belt/2 inch turrets/18 inch
Speed in excess of 27KN

any comments welcome (apart from that the RN would not cheat and HMT would not pay ! :roll: )


Author:  Dilandu [ September 19th, 2014, 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme HMS Nelson 1928 - 1939

Er... not too many octuple pom-poms?

Author:  Krakatoa [ September 19th, 2014, 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme HMS Nelson 1928 - 1939

Nice idea JSB

I have done updated overhead octuple 2pd which are on the alternate Illustrious and Renowns which look better than the old ones.

Certainly a lot of twin 4" on the later model. With the early view of Nelson you will probably still need a secondary battery of 5.5"/6" as anti-destroyer guns. Besides the twin 6" goes on to be developed for the Leander/Apollo/Arethusa class cruisers.

Author:  APDAF [ September 19th, 2014, 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme HMS Nelson 1928 - 1939

Dilandu wrote:
Er... not too many octuple pom-poms?
You can never have too much AA guns.

I think the later version would be very good at surviving Kamikaze attacks giving the amount of Pom-poms.

Author:  Dilandu [ September 19th, 2014, 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme HMS Nelson 1928 - 1939

I mean, the octuple pom-poms were heavy and costly. Fourteen of them on just one ship looks like a little too many.

Author:  JSB [ September 19th, 2014, 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme HMS Nelson 1928 - 1939

I agree the 4 inch isn't great but I don't have the weight (in WNT mode) to fit much more and later fitting 4 inch AA guns makes sense in 39 (and doesn't need as much work as they don't go deep into the ship).

Dilandu - Maybe the 39 is actually 41+ ish (or my AU is a RN with better AA :mrgreen) who cares about cost when you are at war :twisted: ! (yes ok HMT probably still does)


PS I fully accept this number/type of AA/DP guns isn't likely historically OTL but then the RN would never have been allowed to do the fudging this ship uses anyway.......

Author:  Dilandu [ September 19th, 2014, 2:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme HMS Nelson 1928 - 1939

Er, well, but the resources are still limited. The octuple pom-pom were extremely complicated and in 1939-1941 - simply don't avaliable in such numbers, i'm afraid. After all, you need them on cruisers, carriers and other ships. Fourteen on just one battleships - is a little too expensive.

Author:  eltf177 [ September 19th, 2014, 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme HMS Nelson 1928 - 1939

I like this, anxiously awaiting the side views! :D

Author:  JSB [ September 19th, 2014, 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Extreme HMS Nelson 1928 - 1939

First (WIP) side view up


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