ONE shaft was done before, but it was founded to give to bad ship control at lover speed. Something those type of vessel often do. They normally travle at 12-16 knots, and us to sprint very rarely. An sonar under hull do not make noise so you can forget that retractable sonar.
tell that the perry.
anyways, dwightlooi, I believe there is an shipbucket drawing of this ship made already. should be possible to dig it up.
I have some comments on the design, but those will come later, after I have taken an good look at the design
well, I have them now
- interesting hull shape. I think that is one of the best ways I have seen an tumblehome hull merged to an conventional bow.
- I wonder how an propeller fits IN your hull but not outside of it. as it is impossible for the propeller to be above the waterline (lower underneath it will actually be a bit better, even in this configuration) and you can stick the propeller a bit underneath the keel level (look at the perry class) so why can it not be done here? while it looks less vulnerable, anything sucked into the intake will literally destroy your powerplant, as it gets stuck somewhere along the way.
- the propeller inside the hull will result in more cavitation then outside it. waterjets are never, ever, more efficient then propellers, except in 30 knots+ speeds. exception might be the advanced waterjet that was tested on that zumwalt technology demonstrator, which might be an better option for you.
- the helideck looks extremely far aft. do you have space for 2 helicopters? if not, I would create it using a bit of that aft deck space. if VLS cannot be at the side of the helideck, moving some of them to the bow seems not an bad idea.
- why the 57mm in visby style instead of the mount build for the zumwalt?
- the sonar dome retractible is an good idea. the shape of it however....... note that sonar domes need to let the water flow as much indisturbed as possible. this means they are mostly teardrop shaped in all directions except the one they are connected to the hull with. the sonar itself is an dome or an sphere, which you want as much at the front as possible for the drop shape.
- the stabilisers would work better if perpendicular to the hull.
- where are the air intakes for your gas turbines?
- I think the exhausts penetrate your hangar.
- the superstructure seems huge for what is in it. the zumwalts looks cramped with stuff, yours looks empty. with some movement of the exhausts and the addition of intakes, that might be fixed though.
- try to place your rudders in your propulsion stream. that will make them more effective.
- your waterline is stepped. try to avoid that
found the sb style drawings of this ship. ... 1%20AU.gif ... FG-500.png
the second one is an AU modification, and the first one seems to be not entirely accurate with your current rendition.