It all depended on the area of operations. Measure 31/32/33 were primarily anti-submarine measures, intended to disguise speed/range/course from a periscope observer. Measure 21 (all Navy Blue) was designed to conceal against aerial observation. Measure 22 (graded system) was to confuse surface observation of range and was applied primarily to shore bombardment ships in 1945.
The disruptive patterns disappear almost entirely by 1945, given the almost complete eradication of the U-boat threat in the Atlantic as well as the near-complete destruction of the Jap submarine fleet in the Pacific. The emphasis changed to avoiding aerial visual detection by kamikazes and throwing off the aim of shore battery gunners during NGFS off Iwo Jima, Okinawa, etc - as such nearly the entire fleet was repainted into Measure 21 or 22 depending on expected threat.