Hi! Thanks for the nice comments!!!
JSB, thank you for crediting me on your Holland class, but I agree with Acelanceloet that may be is too much for my little contribution
. I´m glad you like them!
I updated my Mare Nostrum 1400 design on the first page, since I felt than some things could be made better… Basically I:
- _ Raised all decks one pixel (comparing with other classes, many times mine was a bit lower)
_ Raised the workdeck under helipad enough to allow 2 containers to be stowed there (handled with the side cranes trough helideck openings)
_ Lowered the RHIBs & cranes one deck (I think that the previous position was a bit risky to operate in rough seas….)
_ Rearranged the “Rescue Zone”
I Hope you like the “improved”
I’m also thinking about doing a complementary larger (around 2200 tons) version with improved seakeeping, endurance & facilities aimed for use in the Atlantic...