Yes, JSB, here you've got the relevant picture of the Tiger as of 1928, a drawing that Krakatoa needs to study for his versions. That said, no, I don't agree with your later 'down-built' - more austere - bridge versions in your later drawings. If anything, even on a clearly 2nd rate vessel, such as a retained Tiger most surely would've counted as, the bridge complex would've received adequate attention, with baffles added, windows and/or -screens added/expanded etc. As it is in your versions from 1933 onwards, you actually removed, quite inexplicably a feature that several of Tiger's commanding officers complained about and wanted remedied: the open upper bridge (Compass Platform), which, finally, in 1924 received an enclosed window screen with a tarp roof. This you removed on the later versions! - In other words, my dear friend, you went backwards in terms of evolution!
_________________ My Avatar:Петр Алексеевич Безобразов (Petr Alekseevich Bezobrazov), Вице-адмирал , царская ВМФ России(1845-1906) - I sign my drawings as Ari Saarinen