Since the Republic of Rossiya was an utter failure, I decided to redo everything with a new life and now she is called the United Federal States of Lothringen. She will be redesigned and restructured.
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If you see a resemblance to something from the map, I congratulate your keen eye.
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Flag of the United Federal States of Lothringen
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Flag of the Lothringenese Federal Armed Forces
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Flag and Ensign of the Lothringenese Federal Army
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Flag and Ensign of the Lothringenese Federal Navy
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Flag and Ensign of the Lothringenese Federal Marine Corps
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Flag and Ensign of the Lothringenese Federal Air Force
[list]Official Name: United Federal States of Lothringen (Vereinigte Bundesländer Lothringen)
Capital: Chuikov Stadt
Date of Independence: 1st July 1776
National Anthem: Tapferkeit von Lothringen (Valour of Lothringen)
Motto: Einigkeit macht stark (Unity is Strength)
Demonym: Lothringenese
Population: 345 million (2014)
Military Strength: 8 million (2014)
Currency: Lothringenese Lothmark
GDP: $ 15.5 trillion (2014)
Type of Government: Federal presidential constitutional republic
Legislature: Bundeskongress
[list]Upper house: Federal'nyy Senat
Lower house: Bundesrepräsentantenhaus[/list]
Official Religion: None
[list]50% German
20% Russian
12% Others
10% British
5% French
3% Spanish[/list][/list]