the "J" and "P" classes are commendable - they pass the test of looking feasible.
but Caledonia
You have to decide what decade your living in: Archaic Soviet style ssm launchers on a modern hull just look daft.
That BCG and the P-class is the only ship that is still in the fleet after the Soviet era. The ships I draw t the moment is those ships that survived that time and was part of the fleet for over the next 20-30 years, I draw in addition the more modern ships.
Those ships that will take over from the old wrecks of the cold war thos ships I have not started on yet.
And since the Norwegian Navy retired the last Oslo class first in 2007, I think My AU will start at aprox: 2000 and beyond?!
Pinquin/Gabriel style
yes those are Penguin ssm on that "P" class.
What? No, just as I said - this is a ship that has stealth aspirations, VLS etc. You just don't stick a great frigging 'HGV petrol tanker' on it and expect to be taken seriously
Who said it was stealth build? and the petrol tank. came when it was used only as a kind of armt suport shipand then it is not intended to go into battle, just give supporting fire when it is in a Aircraft Fleet.
Does not some Aircraft carrier delivering fuel to its destroyers?
Couldn't you get away with something simiar to on the Houbei missile boats? Angle the launchers outwards but keep the relatively clean lines?
on the BCG it is at angel!
aren't those torpedo tubes?
on the "P"-class? Yes!
Re the P class, I don't think the TAK76 is suitable.
They made sense because they made it possible to get a 76mm gun on something the size of an E-Boat. The P class is much bigger, big enough in fact to use the OTO 76 Compact which, unlike the TAK76, is a very good AA gun.
will do.
Also, you might want to find room for an aft facing director. As it stands right now you won't be able to engage air targets head-on because the RAM won't bear, but neither can you engage them dead astern because the director wont bear.
Will do that to!