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Post subject: Royal Sumerian NavyPosted: January 7th, 2011, 3:09 am
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Stuff for my AU for SMS, the Royal Sumerian Navy.

I love the look of the old St. Laurent ships, so I based my first one off Novice's amazing versions of them. First up, base form of a GP surface combatant intended to be modified to fill every role. I'm not used to the paint format, and did this in PS.

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Post subject: Re: Royal Sumerian NavyPosted: January 7th, 2011, 4:50 am
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I say that's not a half bad start. You'll need to use the larger font for the top line, but that's easy enough to fix.

I also congratulate you on staring with a reasonable electronics fit, as that's one of the hardest things to nail down. This ship is what, circa 1950-65ish?

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Post subject: Re: Royal Sumerian NavyPosted: January 7th, 2011, 8:50 am
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I like it. My only comment ship-wise is that you'll need a gyro stabilised mount for the lower radar which names escapes me at the moment.
Artistically, I'd make the dark grey line you've drawn on the hull parallel with the deck.
Right now it looks rather sloppy.

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Portsmouth Bill
Post subject: Re: Royal Sumerian NavyPosted: January 7th, 2011, 10:27 am
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Indeed, a good start to get the hull right, then work up from there - take it slowly and you'll get something interesting :)

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Post subject: Re: Royal Sumerian NavyPosted: January 7th, 2011, 1:39 pm
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I left most of the hull stock to Novice's base. So the dark grey lines and that are from there, and should be there.

The ship is intended to be designed through the 1950s-1960s, built from the late 1960s on, and upgraded and still soldiering on even now. The express fit I'm looking it will be 1995-2005.

Thanks on the compliments, I live in Halifax and literally work right next to the base (With an amazing view of the ships I might add), and have been on Fraser, and Terra Nova when I was younger. And I'm a military historian by trade, so I'm trying to make this as realistic (But not supership) as possible. Sensors/mast are going to get a complete redo, from scratch. She's going to keep the SPS-49 and add a few surface search radars as basic fit, plus comms stuff, but space is going to be left for specific fit radars (SPS-60, SPS-48, so on) for the differing variants.

Fits currently expected include AAW, ASW, and ASuW.

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Post subject: Re: Royal Sumerian NavyPosted: January 8th, 2011, 7:51 pm
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Nice starting point, hull reminds me of Leander class FF.

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Post subject: Re: Royal Sumerian NavyPosted: January 9th, 2011, 2:01 am
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The hull (Or rather most of the drawing) is not mine. I merely used it as a base. I may swap the colours later.

For now, some versions, a few are very unfinished, a few are mostly finished. Did a fair ammount of system weight math and deck space to figure out what I had room to fit.

[ img ]

Surface Strike:
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Naval Infantry Ship:
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Post subject: Re: Royal Sumerian NavyPosted: January 9th, 2011, 4:56 am
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I think you might want to try and go with an earlier 5" piece, or even the Mk-65 that I have around here someplace.

On the ASW version, the MK-25 BPDMS is in a bad place. I'm also not convinced that the small 40mm (I think) gun atop the super structure is in a good place.

For surface strike, I can't think of a reason to have both VLS and Box Launchers for Tomahawks on the same hull. I might go with a Mk-13 GMLS and ditch the ABLs and I don't think the US ever exported that bit of kit.

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Demon Lord Razgriz
Post subject: Re: Royal Sumerian NavyPosted: January 9th, 2011, 5:13 am
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Quick comment on Tim's comment on the VLS & ABLs on the Strike version, perhaps the VLS is not Strike/Strategic length and thus can not carry Tomahawks. Also, this is for SMS, there is no USA or Russia to withhold weapons. :P

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Post subject: Re: Royal Sumerian NavyPosted: January 9th, 2011, 10:32 am
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why not lower the heli an deck?

Drawings are credited with J.Scholtens
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