I don't mean to overload this post with new drawings before the previous ones are finished but I had a rare Saturday off. .
USS Kearsarge CC-7 is what this design might have looked like if it were used as a starting point for a new class of capitol ships which were laid down shortly after the Japanese learned that America was spying on their diplomatic messages, causing the talks in Washington to be halted in 1922. She is a fast scout with more guns and better armor than the Lexington as well as a hanger for scout planes. By removing the ends off the belt I was able to drop several thousnads tons off the displacement so this ship is about the same as a Lexington.
Kearsarge, United States Battlecruiser laid down 1922
44,113 t light; 46,275 t standard; 48,000 t normal; 49,380 t full load
Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught
925.24 ft / 900.00 ft x 106.00 ft (Bulges 108.00 ft) x 32.00 ft (normal load)
282.01 m / 274.32 m x 32.31 m (Bulges 32.92 m) x 9.75 m
10 - 16.00" / 406 mm guns (4 mounts), 2,048.00lbs / 928.96kg shells, 1922 Model
Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)
on centreline ends, evenly spread, 2 raised mounts - superfiring
14 - 5.00" / 127 mm guns in single mounts, 62.50lbs / 28.35kg shells, 1922 Model
Breech loading guns in casemate mounts
on side, evenly spread, 4 raised mounts
6 - 3.00" / 76.2 mm guns in single mounts, 13.50lbs / 6.12kg shells, 1922 Model
Quick firing guns in deck mounts
on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts
Weight of broadside 21,436 lbs / 9,723 kg
Shells per gun, main battery: 100
- Belts: Width (max) Length (avg) Height (avg)
Main: 12.0" / 305 mm 550.00 ft / 167.64 m 16.00 ft / 4.88 m
Ends: Unarmoured
Main Belt covers 94 % of normal length
Main belt does not fully cover magazines and engineering spaces
- Torpedo Bulkhead and Bulges:
2.00" / 51 mm 550.00 ft / 167.64 m 24.00 ft / 7.32 m
- Gun armour: Face (max) Other gunhouse (avg) Barbette/hoist (max)
Main: 16.0" / 406 mm 9.00" / 229 mm 12.0" / 305 mm
- Armour deck: 5.00" / 127 mm, Conning tower: 16.00" / 406 mm
Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
Electric motors, 4 shafts, 154,183 shp / 115,021 Kw = 30.00 kts
Range 10,000nm at 10.00 kts
Bunker at max displacement = 3,104 tons
1,620 - 2,107
£12.346 million / $49.385 million
Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
Armament: 2,680 tons, 5.6 %
Armour: 16,160 tons, 33.7 %
- Belts: 4,520 tons, 9.4 %
- Torpedo bulkhead: 977 tons, 2.0 %
- Armament: 4,106 tons, 8.6 %
- Armour Deck: 6,102 tons, 12.7 %
- Conning Tower: 455 tons, 0.9 %
Machinery: 5,230 tons, 10.9 %
Hull, fittings & equipment: 19,894 tons, 41.4 %
Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3,887 tons, 8.1 %
Miscellaneous weights: 150 tons, 0.3 %
Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
59,120 lbs / 26,816 Kg = 28.9 x 16.0 " / 406 mm shells or 8.2 torpedoes
Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.16
Metacentric height 7.2 ft / 2.2 m
Roll period: 17.0 seconds
Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 52 %
- Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.57
Seaboat quality (Average = 1.00): 1.30
Hull form characteristics:
Hull has a flush deck
Block coefficient: 0.540
Length to Beam Ratio: 8.33 : 1
'Natural speed' for length: 30.00 kts
Power going to wave formation at top speed: 46 %
Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 40
Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 34.00 degrees
Stern overhang: 5.00 ft / 1.52 m
Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):
- Stem: 30.00 ft / 9.14 m
- Forecastle (60 %): 25.00 ft / 7.62 m
- Mid (60 %): 20.00 ft / 6.10 m
- Quarterdeck (40 %): 20.00 ft / 6.10 m
- Stern: 20.00 ft / 6.10 m
- Average freeboard: 24.20 ft / 7.38 m
Ship tends to be wet forward
Ship space, strength and comments:
Space - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 96.0 %
- Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 155.1 %
Waterplane Area: 65,966 Square feet or 6,128 Square metres
Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 100 %
Structure weight / hull surface area: 211 lbs/sq ft or 1,031 Kg/sq metre
Hull strength (Relative):
- Cross-sectional: 1.00
- Longitudinal: 1.03
- Overall: 1.00
Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is adequate
Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent
Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily