
Bay Class LSD Update.
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Author:  Charybdis [ February 23rd, 2013, 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Bay Class LSD Update.

I thought I would have a go at updating the Bay Class LSD's to the modern SB detail level. Thank you to Mihoshik for his permission. My sources were quite good except for detail of the azimuth thruster. So any pointers there would be greatly received as well as any other comments. This is Mounts Bay.
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This is the original drawing in the database
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RFA Mounts Bay is another HMS "Fitted-to-Receive-but-doesn't-actually-have ". I have included a Goalkeeper even though she is usually unarmed. I will take it out if anyone objects.

Largs Bay was sold off to RAN in 2010, renamed Choules and is is currently clapped out in port.

Author:  Gollevainen [ February 23rd, 2013, 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bay Class LSD Update.

looks really nice, i specially like the use of shade to present the angles of the hull and structure...despite many layers, it still looks "restrained" .
What I would change is the color of the foottopping (unless it really is that ligth and close to the hull color) and add the traditional black line to mark the waterline.
also, what is the stuff in the rear of the bridge deck that seems to lack black outlining?

Author:  Hood [ February 23rd, 2013, 9:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bay Class LSD Update.

That's a fine update, I've nothing to add to Golly's questions.

Author:  Charybdis [ February 23rd, 2013, 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bay Class LSD Update.

Thanks for the feedback. I understand what you mean with restrained. I feel there could be a bit more added around the lifeboat area, the trouble is its very dark in all the pictures I have so I can't be sure whats there. :?:

I've put black outlines on the boot topping and I've also outlined the features on the bridge deck. I'm not sure what these are. They look like lockers or something but they're practically flush with the superstructure, which was the reason why I didn't put the outlines in the first place.

Author:  Bombhead [ February 23rd, 2013, 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bay Class LSD Update.

Very nice update Charybdis ;)

Author:  acelanceloet [ February 23rd, 2013, 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bay Class LSD Update.

she looks good, but I have a few small remarks and questions...
- have you checked her sizes with plans? I was thinking about redrawing her entirely along with some other enforcer line ships soon, due to the inaccuracy's of these ships currently in the bucket, I had not checked the bay so it might be ok, so I am just checking if you have looked at that
- IIRC, she has no goalkeeper right now, it might be an good idea to draw her in both 'fitted for but not with config' in never build and 'empty' for real designs?
- are you sure the most likely place would be forward for the goalkeeper? IIRC, the spot on top of her structure is more likely to receive it.
- wasn't there some platform on the hull side on which containers could be placed? as shown here.... not sure how it is fitted here, but it looks a lot larger here then on your drawing ... 008%29.jpg but on other pics I can't seem to find it
- (part of) the funnel seems to be at the stern on some ships, justifying 2 versions for that
- I would like the deck welds at the structure to be drawn, like the original had and like is visible on similar drawings and on the real ship, of course
- I am not that certain about that RHIB, maybe look at the rhib drawn for kimwerners albion and bulwark?
- may I redraw that cargo door soon for you? I am discontent with the enforcer door currently used but I dislike this one too, so I am going to draw one for the enforcers anyways, and I think this one is the same....
- that propeller is certainly not on her, most likely it is an 3 or 4 bladed prop with about the same diameter as that one.
- that bilge keel is unusually straight, are you sure about that?

otherwise, it looks really good!

Author:  KimWerner [ February 23rd, 2013, 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bay Class LSD Update.

Very nice drawing, but I agree with Ace that the Goalkeeper should not be represented in the real life version. I'm not 100% sure but I don't remember any RFA vessel were armed with Goalkeepers. Your badge is fine too and I will attach it to the RFA CoA's :D

Author:  Charybdis [ February 23rd, 2013, 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bay Class LSD Update.

Thanks for your constructive feedback, Ace.
- have you checked her sizes with plans? I was thinking about redrawing her entirely along with some other enforcer line ships soon, due to the inaccuracy's of these ships currently in the bucket, I had not checked the bay so it might be ok, so I am just checking if you have looked at that
Yes, the original drawing was out by about 20 pixels. This one should be bang on.
- IIRC, she has no goalkeeper right now, it might be an good idea to draw her in both 'fitted for but not with config' in never build and 'empty' for real designs?
- are you sure the most likely place would be forward for the goalkeeper? IIRC, the spot on top of her structure is more likely to receive it.
Yes, I agree. The plans I was working from showed a goalkeeper in this position and on top of the superstructure as well. Although her armament is listed as Phalanx.
- wasn't there some platform on the hull side on which containers could be placed? as shown here.... not sure how it is fitted here, but it looks a lot larger here then on your drawing ... 008%29.jpg but on other pics I can't seem to find it
From the picture you just linked, the platform is much more pronounced than I had anticipated, I will make an adjustment. Maybe the original drawing has this part better.
- may I redraw that cargo door soon for you? I am discontent with the enforcer door currently used but I dislike this one too, so I am going to draw one for the enforcers anyways, and I think this one is the same....
If you feel you can improve this drawing, I would be quite happy for you to add anything. My only concern is to have a better representation of this ship class in the GB folder. Whether I draw it or others draw it, doesn't matter to me. 8-)
- that propeller is certainly not on her, most likely it is an 3 or 4 bladed prop with about the same diameter as that one.
I'll have a go at the prop a bit later (Props aren't my forte :? ).
- that bilge keel is unusually straight, are you sure about that?
I'm not keen on the bilge keel, either. I got the impression it was straight from the picture in the link below... what do you think? ... QZKQvx4OPg

EDIT:Thanks Kim... I'm honored. However, the best part of the badge is your template! :)

Author:  acelanceloet [ February 23rd, 2013, 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bay Class LSD Update.

you might find a good prop (or inspiration) here: ... f=13&t=996
I would expect that bilge keel about the shape it has on the 17000 enforcers in the thread above, but do you have that image you linked any larger? :P
the arnament problem: goalkeepers were considered too expensive in the end, IIRC the goalkeepers are fitted for but not with but the RFA or RN has no goalkeepers in store for them, and instead placed the cheaper phalanxes when needed. these were also on an different place, next to the rack/stacks on the rear deck, IIRC.
also, that ledge doesn't appear so large in pics mostly, but it might be extended on that one pic by something. (IIRC, the early concepts showed a complete pontoon on that space)
[ img ]
on this image you can see the GK positions, or at least the space reserved for them.
[ img ]
on this image you can see that the bilge keel is slightly curved (but I agree, not much, I suppose only a few pixels) and some detail near the bow thruster you seem to miss.

and I will start working on that door soon then ;)

EDIT: and something else interesting I just saw: on at least one ship of the class the boot topping seems extended to show the waterline in submerged position as well :S ... 2_orig.jpg
also, there seems to be an knuckle in front of the lifeboat between hull and structure you seem not to have on your drawing ;)

Author:  tost [ February 23rd, 2013, 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bay Class LSD Update.

Wow, beautiful!!

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