M_I, you're aware hat the slanted lines along the top foremast are, in fact yards, shown in that fashion to enable the viewer to see how many they were. Correctly they ought thus to be pointed athwardsships and also be, at least three pixels wide (preferrably, unless the 'A'-class cruisers had noticebly thinner yards.) Just an FYI...
Thank you. The rigging (heh) of later warships is a bit of a weak point for me, and the Japanese LOVED huge aerials, which was actually what I'd figured I'd have the most problem with--I admit to being prepared to do them absolutely last. My main concert is trying to get the curve of the light structure of the foremast to look right at this point. The yards were simply me following the original style of the initial drawing, and will be corrected in the final, though of course alas that doesn't help much. I can probably get the mast just fine, it's unfortunately just one of those time-consuming things.