There, now that I have everyone's attention, it's time to address a serious issue.
The Great Britain folders are a mess.
I'm trying to fix them, and I'm not done yet, but I want more sets of eyes looking over them.
Here is what I have so far:
Note the new file name format:
<Hull Pennant>[Space]<Name>[Space]<Optional Data Such as Year>.<File Type>
In cases where there is no common Pennant to use, I'm using Hull Type, and if available the pre-WW2 Pennants. All ships that were RMS get that in place of the Pennant, otherwise the applicable prefix is used.
Any question so far? Good.
Now, Anything listed as 'Museum' is there for periment archival, but not a part of the main archive as the files have been replaced. Everything sitting in "UK\Real Designs" but in "UK\Real Designs\Great Britain" will be moved to the proper folder when I go to upload.
Anything in "UK\Real Designs\Great Britain\Sort Folder 1,2,3,4" isn't sorted yet. I'm still working on them.
So yeah, I'm hopping you guys can spot errors now before I finish. Thank you in advance.