It's a really great job, MavGaz. Well done! The only thing that needs to be fixed is the double black pixels issue. Please check the stack, the main mast, the aft of the boat and the bottom of the hull. Use black color for outline only; use dark grey to draw antennas and to fill "black" areas. Also...
Your drawing is very accurate and is a fine example of a small ship in this scale. Do plan on drawing the NPR Albatroz and NPR Acor as they appeared in service of East Timor? Thank you for your words Yes I can try it ;) Let me find some documentation and information about the differences from the P...
Hi WhyMe Congratulation for your great job on Portuguese Navy. I've done so many ships that I'm really impressed that you makes me wish to collaborate with you, and I understand Portuguese 8-) As you didn't work in this project for a while, I wish to present my self with a small collaboration with t...
Again, the parts control issue has been brought up a million times and no answer has come forth. I was very close to starting a project where I would create a functionality on the website using PHP/MySQL to make a system that would track individual parts and their revisions, etc but ran out of time...
MavGaz Gollevainen basically just said: 'The part sheets will stay as they are as most people like them the way they are. If people wish to draw their own parts, then that is just fine.' There is not a need to go rearranging the entire parts system meaning admins and others having extra work to do ...
Hi Gollevainen.. Sorry I didn't understand what you mean in this sentence: First is the fact that some of the drawers who have drawn the equipment's in the sheets are mainly concerned that people will you THEIR parts , kinda nijaing their own work into others drawings . Another is the "race" to upda...
mavgaz, let me tell you the following. the harpoon was updated about half a year ago. this means that the ships that are fixed, drawn or redrawn in the last half year have got that harpoon launcher. everything from before that has the old launcher. we want to replace that part, so in the end all sh...
I'm new here, and when working in Por meko 200 I detect some parts need some rework: Harpoon Launchers and Westland Lynx. Harpoon Launchers has a wrong length representation of the tube launchers, the shadow areas and design are almost not perceptive, the high were wrong.. etc.. So I rework a sugges...
Discussion of the Westland Lynx rework The current model it has some details missing and structure scale slightly wrong. windows, door, aft fuselage, high, sensors, lenght, missing versions, etc.. So the rework is suggest here